Service line

Assurance Service

We assure the sincerity of management.

It is possible for the management of a company to win stakeholder’s confidence through constant sincere disclosure, whether the company’s performance is good or not. It is not the accountants but the management that takes the responsibility for disclosure. In today’s complicated global economic environment, strict accountability is required of management. We ask a lot of managements because we want each of our clients to win the confidence of its stakeholders.

We hope to assure the sincerity of the management of a company that acts fairly in the market.

Audit Services

Higher quality is required in the external audit by a CPA due to its social importance. A high-quality audit is a strict audit, and it consists of both the CPA’s highly ethical consciousness that is based on independence and the CPA’s skill in not overlooking fraud.
In our firm, our partners are dedicated to the business of our firm and our professional staff members essentially work full time so that we maintain high ethical standards.
Additionally, we have introduced an electronic work-paper system to homogenize the assurance level and improve the efficiency of our work, making the best use of our experience.

We provide audit services that assure the sincerity of management, and at the same time we also maintain a strict relationship with management.

(Audit Services)

  • Audits under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act
  • Audits of internal control of financial reporting under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act
  • Audits under the Companies Act
  • Audits for IPO preparation
  • Audits of incorporated schools, non-profit organizations, and labor unions
  • Audits of investment partnerships, special-purpose companies, and private finance initiatives
  • Other statutory and voluntary audits

IPO Advisory

We support venture companies aiming to conduct an IPO. Though it can be a difficult process for a venture company to meet the required conditions to go public, we provide strong support with our know-how based on our experience and knowledge. We understand issues that hinder the achievement of an IPO and we suggest the best solutions.

Support for IFRS conversion

In June 2009 the Business Accounting Council (BAC), an advisory body of the Financial Services Agency (FAS), issued an interim report, “Application of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in Japan (Interim Report)” which proposes to allow certain listed companies to carry out an early adoption of IFRS, followed by a final decision about the mandatory adoption of IFRS around 2012.

If IFRS is adopted, large-scale reforms not only of the application of new accounting policies but also modification of IT systems and internal control systems will be required of companies. Having a view of the future adoption of IFRS, we support our clients’ preparations to make the conversion, providing such services as conducting seminars and considering the effect of the adoption.

Our approach features the following points.

  • We pursue the essence of IFRS and advise in accordance with the principle of IFRS.
  • We use a top-down approach.
  • We advise establishing an outline and a policy of disclosure, considering the views of investors and analysts.

Support for internal control system

Support for establishment and assessment of an internal control system

Designing and operating internal controls are managements’ significant responsibility. We support the establishment, revision and assessment of internal control systems with abundant knowledge and experience.

Other services

Financial due diligence and other valuation services

Since every deal differs in nature, it is crucial for clients to agree with the accounting firm about the scope of the procedures to be undertaken. We conduct due diligence procedures based on a tailor-made approach to achieve our client’s best decision.


  • Support for business restructuring
  • Support for IR
  • Education, publication, and so on